The compositions in today’s newsletter are part of an ongoing series on the relationship between Pittsburgh’s hilly topography and prominent architecture. This project, conceived prior to the pandemic, is no longer just an exploration of space and the built environment, but a documentation of family life in these unprecedented times.
I compiled these photos for Next Pittsburgh’s recent feature, “How 3 Local Photographers See Pittsburgh During a Pandemic.”

Brill/Kline Residence
When I first visited the home/studio of Christine Brill and Jonathan Kline, founders of Studio for Spatial Practice, I was immediately blown away by the view from their backyard—a lush green sanctuary featuring the historic St. Augustine Church prominently in the background. As it turns out, the perfect day to take this photo arrived in the midst of the city-wide quarantine. The Kline kids were delighted to see a new face and play in the yard as I took several shots.

Gwin Residence
Look beyond the fire and you’ll see yet another glowing element in this photograph’s composition—a home, owned by Mike and Renee Gwin. I included the Gwin brothers to add scale to the composition and enhanced the curved pathway, which is embedded in the forest floor, to lead the viewer’s eye through the scene.

George/Tunney Residence
The magnificent backyard deck and fun play space designed by architects Kate Tunney and Greg George is an ideal set up for summer days and evenings at home. I wanted to accent the custom built porch, which adds new angles and depth to the vernacular Mt. Washington residence.
Field Notes
Perspectives, photographs, and notes from my photography studio.

Gwin Residence, Indianola, Pennsylvania
The Gwin family’s home is designed by Mike Gwin, principal at Rothschild Doyno Collaborative. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this home each season and observing how the magnificent structure meshes with its surroundings.
For more daily snapshots, follow Massery Photography on Facebook.